Monday, 30 January 2017

Sehzade Mosque, Istanbul

I have left my hometown Istanbul over ten years ago. Occasionally, I find myself longing for the breath-taking sight of its undulating sea of domes and sharply rising minarets. When I started writing this blog, I knew I would one day write about its monuments. 

Figure 1 – A view of the Sehzade mosque from east (date unknown, retrieved from [1])

In November last year, I visited Sehzade Mosque, one of Sinan’s countless masterpieces. It was built between the years 1544-1548, in the memory of Sehzade (Prince) Mehmed, Sultan Suleyman’s much beloved son. The architectural customs of the empire would have dictated Mehmed’s mausoleum to be located in Bursa, the empire’s previous capital. It was customary for the deceased prince’s funds to be used to finance the building of a mausoleum, and associated charitable and religions institutions. However, breaking with tradition, Sultan Suleyman supported the building of a grand complex in the capital Istanbul, equal in rank to imperial mosques built in the name of his forebearers (Fatih, Bayezid and Selim). The complex was thus accorded with architectural features reserved to imperial mosques. These included two elegantly decorated minarets with two galleries and a wonderfully elaborate structural plan [2] (see Figure 1). No other monument built for an Ottoman prince thereafter was accorded such privileges, and in my opinion, no other mosque thereafter executed with such decorative brilliance.

This monument was only made possible with careful planning and engineering. For the remainder of this post, I will focus on a few engineering aspects that I have noted during my visit and research.

Figure 2 – A schematic of the Sehzade mosque with an illustration of the flow of loads. Retrieved from [3]

The rational structural plan

The design of the Sehzade Mosque is underpinned by a rational structural plan that reflects the flow of forces. This is illustrated by a schematic of the mosque in Figure 2. The mosque is placed on a north-south axis, and a 19m diameter semi-circular dome carves an unimpeded central space. The brick dome sits on the crown of four thick stone arches. The central dome exerts lateral pressure which is transmitted to these arches, and to the brick pendentives. While the pendentives have little lateral load carrying capacity, diagonally placed flying buttresses and weighing towers, enhance the lateral load resistance in this direction (see Figure 3). The lateral loads which are transmitted to the arch and pendentive are then distributed downwards. A portion of these loads is transmitted via the piers to its foundations. The remaining portion (in the N-S and E-W directions) is transmitted to four semi-domes, which then transfer the lateral thrust to the perimeter buttress walls. From here, the forces flow to the foundations from the chunky buttress walls, which are skilfully hidden behind a domical arcade (see Figure 1). It is reasonable to think that the structure was constructed bottom up, starting with perimeter buttress walls and ending with the central dome. This rational arrangement of structural elements results in a graceful and dynamic exterior (see Figure 3) and a unified interior space with a gradually receding ceiling (see Figure 4).
While evaluating the plan and dimensions, it is useful to quantify the distribution of lateral loads in the system. The maximum thrust that can be carried by the side domes under self-weight is proportional to the square of the diameter of the dome. Therefore due to the 1:2.5 diameter ratio between central and higher tier side domes, each side dome can only carry a maximum of 1/6th of the lateral thrust exerted by the central dome. This demonstrates that the piers under the arches carry a significant portion of the lateral load, while the side domes provide stability against foundation movements. This explains why the piers are massive, with a 4.5m thickness.

Figure 3 – A photo of the Sehzade mosque. Note the diagonally placed flying buttresses on the drum of the mosque and the weighing towers placed in front. (Retrieved from [8])

Further information can be obtained by investigating the side cross-section view of the central semi-circular dome of the Sehzade mosque in Figure 5. When viewed from outside (e.g. Figure 3), it appears as if the area under the dome is an upright drum, with window openings to let the light in. However, seen from inside, the windows openings appear curved (see Figure 4). Looking closely at the plane section in Figure 5, it becomes obvious that at angle of embrace of approx. 110 degrees, the dome section becomes thicker, to become flat on the outside. According to simple membrane analyses [5], below this is the height where meridional cracks would appear due to emerging tensile hoop stresses for solid domes. However, having a thicker section here is likely to have made the dome more resilient towards this sort of damage.

Figure 4 – A photo of the interior of Sehzade mosque, looking north towards the mihrab.

Figure 5 – A cross section to-scale drawing of the Sehzade mosque (Retrieved from [4])

The elusive earthquake resistance

The Sehzade mosque has been stable for centuries, and is unlikely to experience large static movements which may threaten its stability. However, dynamic loading is a major threat, since Istanbul is in a zone of seismic activity. During its 500 year lifetime, Sehzade mosque has survived several major earthquakes, including the 1766 and 1894 earthquakes, which have caused damage in nearby historic buildings (the dome of Fatih mosque collapsed in 1766).
It is difficult to ascertain if the Sehzade mosque (or other similar mosques) will survive potentially more intense future earthquakes. We have limited information (or visual record) of the damage sustained by historic mosques during earthquakes. However, previous experience and research have highlighted that that these structures are particularly vulnerable. Their first translation and torsional vibration modes of mosques are typically in the high frequency range (0.2-0.5s in both directions), which will result in an amplification of the applied dynamic forces on the structure.
From previous observations of earthquake damage, several critical elements can be identified:
  1.        Foundations under the piers which carry lateral loads: A significant portion of the induced lateral loads due to self-weight are transmitted to the base of the piers. Base shears and moments due to lateral earthquake loading would similarly be expected to concentrate in this area. Potential settlements here during dynamic loading can be detrimental to the stability of the dome.
  2.        Pendentives: The arches of the mosque represent the two load carrying frames in the orthogonal directions. Due to earthquake directionality effects, ground motion in orthogonal directions can be different, leading to differential movement and tensile stresses in the pendentive area that connects the orthogonal arches. Damage in this area could lead to support relief for the dome and partial collapse. Such damage has been observed in the past for the dome of Hagia Sophia.
  3.       Dome windows:  Due to the presence of window openings on the dome, the lateral loading needs to be transmitted through the reduced solid sections of the dome in between windows. These represent likely locations for strain concentration, and may get damaged due to lateral loads.

Nonetheless, our understanding of the dynamic behaviour of these structures remain rudimentary. In order to ensure that these structures survive for another 500 years, we need to have an improved understanding of their dynamic behaviour. One way to achieve this would be to use new sensing techniques to measure the dynamic response of these structures, to advance our understanding of their behaviour. 

Acoustic characteristics

An imam situated in the south (mihrab) area of the mosque leads prayer in mosques. Occasionally, the muezzin, who would be located in the southeast corner of the Sehzade mosque, reads prayers aloud. The congregation responds to the prayers recited by the imam and muezzin. Therefore, optimising the acoustics of mosques, especially from the perspective of speech intelligibility, was an important engineering problem in Sinan’s period. 

Within this context, it is desirable to achieve a homogenous dissipation of sound energy inside the mosque, to prevent directional sound effects. It is equally important to ensure sufficiently quick absorption of sound by the structure, to ensure that consecutive sounds are not mixed. The domed structure of the mosque presented a challenging environment to achieve these objectives. The curved surface of the dome reflects the sound energy in different directions with little dissipation and much time delay, resulting in the sound to dissipate over a long time. This causes a long reverberation time, and it is not acoustically desirable.

There were numerous established acoustic solutions to deal with the aforementioned issues. For instance, using plasters with strong absorption characteristics to cover the dome surface enabled a more diffuse sound field. In a recent investigation of the nearby Suleymaniye mosque, it was concluded that the restoration of dome decorations with cement based plasters, has led to increased reverberation times. The original lime based plaster absorbed the sound more effectively, decreasing the reverberation times.

Figure 6 – (left) Schematic for a Helmholtz (cavity) resonator from Sultan Ahmed mosque and (right) a photo of a filled-in cavity (Photos retrieved from [7])

Another solution for acoustic improvement is Helmholtz resonators. This is a time-honoured method of absorbing a narrow frequency band from broadband sound waves. It is achieved in a fascinatingly simple manner. A cavity is opened on highly sound-reflective surfaces inside the mosque. From inside the mosque, these cavities look like simple cylindirical holes with diameters up to 10cm. However, inside the hole, the narrow cavity neck gets wider, and can protrude 0.5m deep into the dome, providing a large cavity volume (see Figure 6 for similar resonators from another mosque). The incoming sound waves at a particular frequency are affected by the springiness of the air inside the cavity. The incoming sound tries to squeeze the air in the cavity, but the air resists, this interaction causes a range of sound waves to behave like a mass on a spring, whose motion is dissipated (absorbed) over time. By changing the dimensions of the cavity neck and backing volume, the absorption frequency band can be modulated.

During a restoration of Sehzade mosque during the 1990s, 144 cavity (Helmholtz) resonators were found [7]. Most of these were located on the dome. The original sizes of these resonators were such that they were designed to filter low frequency noise, smaller than 250 Hz. Unfortunately, many were filled in during previous restoration works (see Figure 6), and were not functioning as intended. Since measurements had demonstrated that reverberation time for low frequencies is unusually high inside the mosque, it was suggested that the destructive restoration works have affected the mosque acoustics negatively. However, the influence of this erroneous intervention may not be felt strongly by congregations today, imams and muezzins often use microphones to lead prayer.

Despite these small changes, Sehzade Mosque is a well-preserved and wonderful monument, that makes one wonder what life in Istanbul in the 16th century would have been like, under that sea of domes and sharply rising minarets.

[2] Neciopglu, Gulru. The Age of Sinan. Reaktion Books, 2011.
[3] Karaesmen, E., et al. "Seismic behaviour of old masonry structures." Proceedings of the tenth World Conference on earthquake engineering. 1992.
[4] Kuban, Doğan, and Cemal Emden. Osmanlı mimarisi. Yapi-Endustri Merkezi, 2007.
[5] Heyman, Jacques. The stone skeleton: structural engineering of masonry architecture. Cambridge University Press, 1997
[7] Kayili, Mutbul. "Acoustic solutions in classic ottoman architecture." Foundation for Science technology and Civilization (2005).

Sunday, 8 January 2017

2017: Turn and face the strange / ch-ch-ch-Changes

Happy new year to all my friends! Marie and I celebrated the new year in Cambridge together with Berk, Eda and Ishan. 

With 2017, came new resolutions and hopes, as well as some changes to this blog. Last year, I aimed to write weekly posts but managed only three posts in four months, equalling to approximately 0.2 posts per week. To remedy that, I will now aim to write one post every month. Hence, I am making a counterintuitive case of proposing lower expectations for promoting productivity. Let’s see how I fare.

I have also decided to write on a broader array of subjects. For a little while now, I have been working on optical measurement systems (using laser and RGB camera based systems), and the related fundamental physics intrigue me. Venturing into these subjects will allow me to occasionally write about another interest, cinema. As with the previous posts on structures, I will try to focus on historical and mechanical aspects.

Oh, and also, I have been silently on Twitter for much of 2016. It has been surprising to find so much original and interesting content there! I have decided therefore to join in and share interesting things that I come across. On Twitter, there will be less mulling over as opposed to blog posts, and this way, I hope can share some of my excitement of discovering something new. You can find my tweets at @physionotrace

But before all that, I need to go back to a visit that I made in 2016, to fulfil another resolution.